The annual Honor Ink Tattoo Event will be taking place once again at Spirit Gallery Tattoo in the month of November with more specifics to follow. We are currently working the finer details and logistics so please be patient. But…y’all got some homework!!!
We have decided to add a little twist this year. We are opening a two-week window starting today and closing the 15th for you to send in a piece of flash art to be considered to be added to the list of selections! It does NOT have to be military related. It can be anything you’d like. But you must adhere to the rules as follows:
1-Send the image to:
2- cannot be any bigger than a baseball
3- cannot have fine/ intricate detail
4- if you put your submission on this web page or on this website, we will not forward it or consider it. Look at rule #1
Couple of things to remember…your piece may or may not be reworked a little by the artists to make it work but it will still resemble the original submission. Just because you submit something DOES NOT mean it will make the list. We will reveal the pieces being offered on the 28th and if you don’t see yours on there, there is nothing we can do.
So…get your submissions sent in people. We will be reminding you constantly over the next two weeks, so you don’t forget. After the 15th if you still haven’t sent it in…we will not be making any exceptions.
Oh…and we have a few more surprises lined up for you along the way.

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